Whatsoever is LOVELY – Meditate on these things

                Good Morning!

What is LOVELY?

162 painting of fishing boats in Rocquaine Bay - CopyEveryone will have their own opinion on what is lovely.      This image is from a painting.   I find the absolute stillness, peace and colours lovely BUT something lovely can be found each day in all the very ordinary things of life – a smile – a leaf – a rock – a flower etc – even in the midst of a crisis situation.

Look this day for something LOVELY – Meditate upon it. May it inspire and recharge your journey.

Have a truly Blessed One!

Today is Thursday and here for me Prayer is my Calling. You as bloggers, friends, contacts will be remembered.

NB.   May be off-line for next two days – computer issues but today was a brief reprieve – (Maybe it was Purity and Justice in action which gave me the reprieve)

About Faye

I m a wife, mother and grandmother. I have always enjoyed writing even from an early age. My book Beyond the Ashes has been written as a labour of love. All the characters are real to me and their story needed to be told. As a Christian my desire is to write General Fiction stories about real people but Hope and a desire for 'better' will always be part of the journey. I have had several short stories published over the years and moderate success in writing competitions. I realized as I was thinking today (30/01/15) that perhaps I should add here that I have had life experiences of many valley times but also many mountain top experiences. I can understand and be beside anyone who finds their life in tatters because I have 'been' there. Of course as I have got older as well there have been the added sorrows of losing not only older family members but also one by one finding the dearest of friends and the ones of greatest support and care also dying. On the site of rich mountains has been my certainty of the value of marriage and how grateful I am that after loss and sadness I made a happy and long-lasting marriage commitment. The one who was my best friend back then is still my best friend 45 years later. Beyond the Ashes touches upon the POWER of LOVE when folk can forget about their own personal 'feelings' and reach out in LOVE to a desperate and broken person.
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2 Responses to Whatsoever is LOVELY – Meditate on these things

  1. Kaye Kerr says:

    Good Morning Faye ( with an E ) I do love your blogs will continue to watch this space.
    Have a blessed day my dear.
    Kaye ( with an E )


    • oneta hayes says:

      Faye, beautiful picture and meditation on “lovely” things. Sitting here on my desk is a small vase with iridescent polished stones in it. They truly are lovely, but I have not been thinking they were. They are a part of an unfinished project so I haven’t been seeing their beauty just as they are. I think there is a lesson in here someplace. Do you see it? I just now see this is a reply to Kaye. So Hello to Kaye and Faye (both with e’s).


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