Good Morning fellow pilgrims in the WAY!

embracing freedom.

   We live now under the LAW of DIVINE LOVE.

     People build fences to protect loved animals or to define ‘boundaries’ of their domains.  Parents want to protect their children by rules and restrictions… not to deny freedom but to keep them safe.   Without responsibility, rules and DO NOT DO’S will not and cannot save from disasters.    Even God’s carved on stone COMMANDMENTS could not be kept.  Do not’s cause human beings to react by rebellion.   All humanity longs for freedom, but perceives it coming by their will and their OWN WAY. 

Jesus came – He died and rose again then brought forth into the world as His Eternal Presence…. HIMSELF as GOD…….NOW alive as GOD THE HOLY SPIRIT…in all who have accepted to follow Jesus Christ and live in His Way.

Now there is one new Law.   THE LAW OF LOVE.

Two commandments (not ‘do nots’ carved on stone but do’s lovingly etched on our hearts.)

1.   Love the Lord with all your heart, mind soul and body.

2.   Love all others as you love yourself.

If you keep the first……… the Holy Spirit ever points us to God as the Holy Almighty all Glorious God as the Holy One revealed in Christ...…..we will care for our own bodies, all aspects of our life and world around us, in the absolute revelation and wonder of WHO HE IS.

Satan’s obvious control in this fallen world,  is weakened when God’s children really KNOW who they are because of Calvary and the freedom of Life He has died to bring us.

John 10:10b  I have come that they may have life in abundance.   

In Christ, whether restricted by health issues or age or infirmities, – we ALL are FREE if we live by the LAW OF LOVE.   In His LIGHT alone FREEDOM.

This freedom is confirmed as the Holy Spirit guides us in responsibility and DIVINE LOVE’s PURPOSE.

Journey well beloved!-

You are a child of a MIGHTY GOD – Yet each one can come to Him as a child crying ‘Abba my Father).


Thank You my Lord.

About Faye

I m a wife, mother and grandmother. I have always enjoyed writing even from an early age. My book Beyond the Ashes has been written as a labour of love. All the characters are real to me and their story needed to be told. As a Christian my desire is to write General Fiction stories about real people but Hope and a desire for 'better' will always be part of the journey. I have had several short stories published over the years and moderate success in writing competitions. I realized as I was thinking today (30/01/15) that perhaps I should add here that I have had life experiences of many valley times but also many mountain top experiences. I can understand and be beside anyone who finds their life in tatters because I have 'been' there. Of course as I have got older as well there have been the added sorrows of losing not only older family members but also one by one finding the dearest of friends and the ones of greatest support and care also dying. On the site of rich mountains has been my certainty of the value of marriage and how grateful I am that after loss and sadness I made a happy and long-lasting marriage commitment. The one who was my best friend back then is still my best friend 45 years later. Beyond the Ashes touches upon the POWER of LOVE when folk can forget about their own personal 'feelings' and reach out in LOVE to a desperate and broken person.
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  1. Dawn Marie says:

    Thank you Faye for the lovely reminder God’s Will for us is that we believe He loves us. When we finally do rid ourselves of NOT believing this – everything we do WILL be done for HIM. I hope to write more about this soon in a future blog, but until then know how much I value your encouraging words!


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