CHRISTMAS 2022 is behind us…..What next?

A mid week thought as ONWARDS now is our FOCUS

Long ago the record in the Word tells us of three eastern (maybe more in the caravan, still travelled across vast tracts of desert) Can you imagine the swirling sand under the camel’s feet?

                          Wise men probably astronomers, KNEW they had to keep  travelling until they  found the Promised Messiah Saviour of the souls of all humankind.     

                         They followed the star and even King Herod’s treacherous efforts to disrupt GOD’S Plans did not dissuade them.                         

                           They found the child in the house with his mother and worshipped Him with their Gifts. 

             Many babies sadly of 2 years and under would die as King Herod determined to destroy the PROMISE .  

             Only angelic warning safely guided the family to Egypt.   They returned only after Herod’s death.     Matt. Chapters 1 and 2.                      

  In our deceptive and treacherous world the wise ones take from the wonder and beauty of their Christmas celebrations and open the GIFT given so long ago afresh, and determine to journey onwards into 2023 with the certainty He is with us, EMMANUEL DID COME and lives in us who are. His redeemed children.

He will ever lead and guide us to His Fulness and His Promise of ABUNDANT LIFE

              Are we like the wise men still determined to find ALL that this baby has brought to and for us?  

             Enjoy your journey ever onwards and upwards. 

              PEACE and Blessings!

About Faye

I m a wife, mother and grandmother. I have always enjoyed writing even from an early age. My book Beyond the Ashes has been written as a labour of love. All the characters are real to me and their story needed to be told. As a Christian my desire is to write General Fiction stories about real people but Hope and a desire for 'better' will always be part of the journey. I have had several short stories published over the years and moderate success in writing competitions. I realized as I was thinking today (30/01/15) that perhaps I should add here that I have had life experiences of many valley times but also many mountain top experiences. I can understand and be beside anyone who finds their life in tatters because I have 'been' there. Of course as I have got older as well there have been the added sorrows of losing not only older family members but also one by one finding the dearest of friends and the ones of greatest support and care also dying. On the site of rich mountains has been my certainty of the value of marriage and how grateful I am that after loss and sadness I made a happy and long-lasting marriage commitment. The one who was my best friend back then is still my best friend 45 years later. Beyond the Ashes touches upon the POWER of LOVE when folk can forget about their own personal 'feelings' and reach out in LOVE to a desperate and broken person.
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3 Responses to CHRISTMAS 2022 is behind us…..What next?

  1. Dawn Marie says:

    Oh, that the Spirit of Christmas remain in our hearts throughout the year so that we are always SEEKING the love He leaves for us to open and gaze upon. Hugs to you Faye for this wonderful reflection leading us into another New Year of hope!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. DeniseBalog says:

    Amen, and blessings Faye today and into the New Year! Love your wise words for seeking our Savior. Today and forevermore. denise xoxo


  3. Nancy Miitze says:

    Thank you Faye, I think, we are still unfolding this wonderful gift, of Jesus Christ, with new delights, wonders, and ecstasies, wrapped in thorns and thistles, but each thorn, each thistles, sinks us deeper into the delight, the rapture of knowing him. Of partaking of the wonderful fruit of His Garden . OH, WHAT A SAVIOUR.


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