
                  Does your life situation cause you to feel “invisible”

      Such was the story of the beautiful Shummanite maiden Abishag

          (probably a very young virgin girl) brought to Israel to be a nurse/companion for

 The ailing. dying., aged King David.      In 1Kings1:4 It was written about her ‘she cherished the King’

       Her main job was to lay beside him to give warmth, comfort and youthful life.

       She was probably forgotten and unnoticed. An invisible committed part of court life.

      However, she was present when Bathsheba gained audience with David and asked him for his Oath and Promise that their son Solomon would be his successor.  David knew this was the Will of God and Abishag heard his sworn oath.   

       This could have cost her life.     

        David’s son Adonijah planned to take Abishag and make her his wife and then push to gain the Kingdom. 

         Solomon knew of the plot and was aware of the Sacred Oath. He saw the dangerous threat to the young girl.

         Solomon executed Abonijah.

          Abishag has only an insignificant mention in the WORD but because of her faithful attention to her duties probably lived on in insignificance holding on to the TRUTH of Solomon’s right to the throne .all her life. 

       Maybe she lived to see the Queen of Sheba and witnessed her transformed life when she encountered the wisest man on Earth and gained knowledge about his GOD.  

         What seemingly insignificant role am I to fulfill in my life?

           What about you?

           Jesus said ‘My Sheep hear My Voice.     Follow Me.’

            One Day at a time dear ones!

About Faye

I m a wife, mother and grandmother. I have always enjoyed writing even from an early age. My book Beyond the Ashes has been written as a labour of love. All the characters are real to me and their story needed to be told. As a Christian my desire is to write General Fiction stories about real people but Hope and a desire for 'better' will always be part of the journey. I have had several short stories published over the years and moderate success in writing competitions. I realized as I was thinking today (30/01/15) that perhaps I should add here that I have had life experiences of many valley times but also many mountain top experiences. I can understand and be beside anyone who finds their life in tatters because I have 'been' there. Of course as I have got older as well there have been the added sorrows of losing not only older family members but also one by one finding the dearest of friends and the ones of greatest support and care also dying. On the site of rich mountains has been my certainty of the value of marriage and how grateful I am that after loss and sadness I made a happy and long-lasting marriage commitment. The one who was my best friend back then is still my best friend 45 years later. Beyond the Ashes touches upon the POWER of LOVE when folk can forget about their own personal 'feelings' and reach out in LOVE to a desperate and broken person.
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  1. Vera says:

    Thank you Faye for reminding how faithfulness to the call on personal life, is paramount. May you have a blessed peaceful day.


  2. Alan Kearns says:

    What a lovely encouraging post Faye! None of us are insignificant in the eyes of our precious Lord and Saviour, Hallelujah!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. A beautiful story to encourage those of us who believe we lead only ordinary lives. ❤


  4. Dawn Marie says:

    A beautiful reminder how God does not make Junk & that we all hold great purpose in His eyes. The prayer remains for us to use His lens to look through as we peer, not only onto others, but upon our own selves, as well. 💗 Hugs to you Faye for this loving reminder….


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